Raw Oregon Honey
Raw Oregon Honey
Oregon Beeswax
Wildflower Honey
Raw Oregon Honey
Blackberry Honey
Raw Oregon Honey
Raw Oregon Honey
Honey Comb
Raw Oregon Honeycomb
Raw Oregon Pollen
Beeswax Candles
Beeswax Candles
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Raw Oregon Honey

Our award winning honey and award winning beeswax come from our hives throughout Oregon’s Western Valleys. We focus on providing raw and unfiltered products from the hive. We offer both single apiary honey, honeycomb, pollen, and beeswax from our hives or carefully sourced from our beekeeping friends throughout the Willamette Valley and the Coast Range. Our wildflower honeys offer more complex flavors due to their broader pollen spectrum, and thus can be darker and richer. While our single apiary honeys or single varietals provide more pronounced flavor notes and unique colors, due to the narrower floral source. Our varietals are available in small batches throughout the year. We also specialize in rendering beeswax and creating beeswax products.

More than just sweetness

A good source of antioxidants

Raw honey contains antioxidants called phenolic compounds. Some types of honey have as many antioxidants as fruits and vegetables. Antioxidants help to protect your body from cell damage due to free radicals.

Heal Wounds

Honey is also used in medical settings to treat wounds because it’s an effective germ killer. Researchers believe this is because it has additional antibacterial properties besides the natural hydrogen peroxide.

Soothe a Sore Throat

Have a cold? Try a spoonful of honey. Honey is an old sore throat remedy. Try adding it to hot tea with lemon. It is also used as a cough suppressant.

Happy Bees

Our bees are happy, we’re sure of it! Just one taste of our local Oregon honey and you will be convinced too!

Our customers love us!

As a trusted local resource of honey, our customers can’t get enough of our honey. We are so sure that you would agree, that we have saved a jar with your name on it.

Visit our store to pick it up.